Miss Jenx Byron

Miss Jenx Byron
Isn't she artsy?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

People who cannot just take what is freely given.

My mom pushes. She cannot take what you freely offer. She has to push for more, whether it is more cleaning, more tutoring, more sympathy.....  MORE, MORE, MORE!!!! WHY does she do that?!!!!! Grrr!


  1. As someone who does the same thing, my suspicion is, she has this yawning emptiness inside that can never be filled. And she's never realized she's the only one who can fill it. So she keeps demanding, desperately for you or anyone else to do it. It will never work, but she keeps asking.

  2. I have that same thing. How in the Hell do you fill it yourself? That's something my therapist never got around to.
